Author Archives: Matt Roszak

EBF5: Mammoths

Made some mammoths!
My computer blue-screened while working on this and I lost 2 hours of work, so that sucks – but I guess it could have been worse. Gonna have to start backing up more than once a day.

Hope you like the new mammoths, I tried being creative with their attacks. Oh, and mammoths can now revive each other!

EBF5 Current Foe Count: 74

EBF5: Wyrms

The Zombie Hydra is back as a regular strong enemy!
I’ve given up pretending that they have bodies, they’re just huge snakes now. I’m not sure whether or not they’ll be able to revive each other, we’ll see.
There’s not much new to see here, the two new types are basically replacing some of the dragons.

EBF5 Current Foe Count: 59

EBF5: Fallen

Time to announce the 2nd winner of the Foe Competition, it’s CommanderGrunt with his design  of The Fallen!
ebf5_foe_competition__the_fallen_by_commandergrunt-d9wtpnl (1)CommanderGrunt did a second set of drawings here.

These guys were a lot of fun to work on and I think they might be my favourite foes so far. I think their attacks turned out looking pretty awesome. Which one’s your favourite?

EBF5 Current Foe Count: 56