Hiya Folks,
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Here’s a fanart of Natalia feeling particularly affectionate, from Pastapanic.

Hiya Folks,
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Here’s a fanart of Natalia feeling particularly affectionate, from Pastapanic.
Hi Folks,
Hope you’ve all had your fill of pancakes in honour of Pancake Day! We’ve had pancakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on this most delicious day of indulgences. What are your favourite pancake toppings? We’ve had them with jam and whipped cream, banana, Nutella, and Matt’s favourite: yogurt.
Here’s a lovely fanart of Godcat from Din511.
Hiya Folks!
To continue the trends of celebrating EBF5v2 and cutesy art here is the perfect mix with a v2 exclusive smooch from Hana-Pong.
Hey guys, as ya’ll should know, Epic Battle Fantasy 5 version 2 is finished and went live on Steam a few days ago, and the price of the game went up to $20. It seems stable, but there’s a few minor issues with the “Randomized Equips” mode that I’ll need to fix. So I guess you can expect a very small update sometime in the next week or two. Once that’s done I’ll quickly put EBF5 up for sale on Itch.io, for anyone who doesn’t like using Steam.
And after that I’ll start working on the mobile version! I’m not promising anything, but it totally looks do-able.
I got my new PC btw. It’s not a *huge* improvement when it comes to my development tools, but it’s great for games, so I’m just playing the latest Tomb Raider for now. The Valve Index is out of stock apparently, so maybe I should try getting some more work done before I have a chance to purchase one.