Here’s the bonus boss for the forest world.
He’ll shoot out flower-themed patterns and stuff.
Here’s the bonus boss for the forest world.
He’ll shoot out flower-themed patterns and stuff.
Hay guys!
I’ve decided to make bonus versions of each boss for the premium/Steam versions of BH2, so this means an extra 10 bosses to fight! Here’s the first one.
BH2 already has tons of content, but I want it to keep people busy for a very long time, like EBF4 did. I feel like the boss battles are the best part of the game, and they’re quite fun to make, so I’m happy to add some more.
And hopefully they won’t take *too* long to implement either, since I can recycle huge chunks of the original bosses.
Phyrnna (The musician for all of my games since EBF2) wants to start making music full-time and has set up a Patreon to help her fund non-commissioned work.
If you’d like to see more of her work outside of what she makes for the EBF games, consider throwing some cash at her.
Dialogue boxes kind of work now!
Each level will start and end with some silly chat between the characters.
Got the first 3 worlds written, 7 more to go…
Hey guys!
I’ve spent most of the week in London with my girlfriend, Ronja, partly for business and partly for fun. We checked out the British Museum, King’s Cross station, Big Ben, lots of pubs, a wee church, and some other stuff. Didn’t get to see as much as I wanted to because of time and energy constraints, but oh well.
Pretending to be a Harry Potter fan and failing miserably at faking enthusiasm
We attended IGC15 (the Indie Game Conference, sponsored by Microsoft!) and met up with tons of cool developers, a bunch of which I already knew from my previous visit to London. Unfortunately this conference wasn’t centered on web or Flash games like the last one I went to, so I didn’t recognize as many people as I had hoped, and a lot of the content wasn’t interesting to me. But that also meant I experienced quite a lot of new stuff, including trying a VR headset for the first time! I briefly played Smash Hit Plunder, and it was an awesome feeling. It worked much better than I expected, and I’m now really looking forward to seeing what sort of games take advantage of VR, while previously I wasn’t very interested.
Had a good time drinking with the other Flash game devs, and chatting about Kongregate and Armor Games and how that market is mostly dead. A lot of them are moving onto other stuff, including mobile games, client work or Steam games.
At the pub with Jimp, Chris Jeff, Kupo, and Ronja
Anyway, the trip went really well overall. The train journey and hotel were way more comfortable than expected, the weather was decent, and we had a lot of fun. I’m feeling motivated to make some games!