BH2: Bee Boss Preview

I think this is my favorite boss so far. The way she(?) moves around ended up looking pretty cool. Her theme is fast movement and honeycomb shields!

Adding in the honeycombs makes me see how much better the game will look once I draw proper backgrounds. Oh, and the honeycombs are there to punish you for spraying bullets, and they change up the gameplay quite a bit. I might actually go back and add some bubbles to the turtle boss.
honey stingbombsDDP

8 thoughts on “BH2: Bee Boss Preview

  1. SomeRandomGuy

    How do those “honeycomb shields” work? Are they staying in place doing nothing until they are hit enough and then explode? Or do they also shoot bullets sometimes? Or do they randomly explode?
    Also, “Border of Wave and Particle”? :bleh:

  2. Bigbig

    I thought that Epic Battle Fantasy 4 was the best turn-based RPG EVER! This game looks like all of EBF4’s strategic options got hit with Chuck Norris’s eyesight and turned into pure action glory!!

    1. randomfan1929

      i hope it’s not all of them, EBF4 has so many. that said, yeah, bullet heaven is awesome, and BH2 will be better.. yay!

  3. someguy

    Honeycombs full of honeycomb bullets? Honeycombception!

    Now seriously, those things look like they are the purest form of evil. :scared:

  4. Kkots

    I can imagine flying over some pretty landscape is going to be fun, bit you might not be able to predict how long the player will be staying on the same place fighting the same wave or boss, so backgrounds need to be looped pictures. You might also put vertical blur on them. But player may very well end up getting dizziness after looking at the background for 1 minute. :yay: (dizzyness is fun)

  5. ShadowSun

    Wait, what do you mean “proper” backgrounds?
    Ones int the current style with specific shapes, or drawn backgrounds like BH1?

    But that boss looks awesome. And I can already see myself hating the honeycombs. Nice work! :smirk:

  6. randomfan1929

    looks awesome- are the honeycombs gonna replace themselves throughout the fight, or are they just there till you accidentally kill them all?


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