Category Archives: Events

Epic Battle Fantasy Collection Fanart Contest!

It’s been nearly a year since the EBF Collection launched, and it’s time to celebrate with a fanart contest!

To participate in the contest create new fanart of our old games, specifically the ones featured in the EBF Collection meaning Mecha Dress Up Game, Brawl Royale, The Kitten Game, Epic Battle Fantasy 1&2, Bullet Heaven, Adventure Story, and Cat Cafe. Make sure to post it to the contest channel on the EBF Discord Server with the contest tag, the name of the art piece, your name/nickname, and a link to your art page. The deadline is Tuesday May 30th at 10PM BST, and remember to title your entry with “Collection-Contest-Entry”. You can make as many entries as you’d like, but all art must be new, image files, made by you, and PG-13 (bonus points for avoiding copyrighted material).

There is a total of £500 (~$620) to be split between the top entries, as well as Steam or mobile keys to any existing Epic Battle Fantasy games. Cash prizes will be awarded by PayPal or bank transfer.

Entries will be judged by Kupo Games and Ronja (more judges to be added soon), and winners will be announced within a couple weeks after the deadline.

If you don’t have an art page, or are looking for a better platform you should check out Newgrounds for sharing and browsing art, music, and games!

The Yogscast Jingle Jam

Hi Folks,

This year EBF5 is part of the Yogscast Jingle Jam!

Jingle Jam is the world’s biggest charity gaming event, and they’ve already raised over £2.5m this year. They’ve got a full schedule of fun streams happening until Dec 14th, and they’ll be streaming EBF5 on Sunday 11th at 1PM GMT as part of the Cutesy Chums segment! You can watch streams, join their Discord, donate to charity, and even help fundraise on your own platform.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is also part of the Jingle Jam Games Collection, which is a pack of 85+ games and more that is available for donations of £35 or more. Check out the Jingle Jam website for all the info on how to participate, donate, and fundraise.

EBF Monster Fanart Contest Winners

Hello Again Folks!

Winners of the EBF Monster Fanart Contest are finally here!
Thanks again to everyone for submitting art and taking part in the contest, we received so much absolutely amazing artwork from all of you and we love celebrating your creativity!

Winners will receive prize money from a pool of £300 to be split between the top 5 entries, as well as 2 games or soundtracks of their choice (not including games/ports in development) on the platform of their choosing.

You can click the images to view full sized versions, but they might take a while to load as some are quite big.
You can view all entries in the contest channel on the EBF Discord Server.

1st Place £90
Halloween At the Hideout by Siitewu

2nd Place £70
The Spooky Supper by Zevskiy

Tied 3rd place £55 and £55
Hydras R Scary by Quonit

Pixelloween the Minigame by Kaidart

5th Place £30
Mad Cats by Jinenif

Massive thank you again to everyone who participated, and congratulations to all winners!

EBF Monster Fanart Contest Results

Hiya Folks!

The EBF Monster Fanart Contest results are finally in. Thank you to everyone for your patience as we’ve looked through and judged the ginormous amount of entries. Entries have been judged by Matt, Ronja, and Troisnyx. The winners of the prize pool will be announced tomorrow.

Today we celebrate the runners-up who created some incredible art and nearly made it to the top!

All ten runners-up will receive 2 games or soundtracks of their choice (not including games/ports in development) on the platform of their choosing.

You can view all the entries in the contest channel on the EBF Discord Server.

The Zombie-Hydra by Luo
Halloween Costume Competition by RockyBirdy
Festive Downtime by BlueZoneCEO
Kyun! by Jay
Halloween Party at the end of the world by Lance
The boys are back in town, to destroy you by Owokey
Dinner time! by NaT
Crawling cries by Obrutak
Yummy! by Pana
Abyssal Seiken by TH3vPl4Y3R