Monthly Archives: May 2017

EBF5: Map Style Test

Spent the whole day putting this scene together. The aim was to see if I can recycle most of EBF4’s map assets but also make them look better, and I think I succeeded in that. EBF5 will have proper land tiles this time round, instead of the lazy mess of the previous game, and the old stuff is still compatible with the new, stylistically. Woop!

What do you think?

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 – Battle Demo

I’ve been testing the Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Battle System for a few days now, and now it’s on version 0.6. If you haven’t played it yet, check it out and help test things.
The link is up above, in the header.

I didn’t tell everyone about this earlier because I needed to fix the obvious bugs first, but now it should be quite stable.

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