EBF5: Natalie

Hey guys, here’s all of the animations and equips for Natalie!
There’s tons of little details to find – all of the animations have been updated and there’s a few completely new ones too.

Let me know which of the new equips are your favourites!

63 thoughts on “EBF5: Natalie

  1. Lance

    mecha suit + robot ears + blue hair + chemist staff + drone accessory + lightning pin + crystal earrings = :love: awesome and cute. please add hair dyes and let us obtain mecha suit and robot ears on the free version. pls. you can move some items to premium so let me obtain it. πŸ˜₯ :yay:

  2. Geekstur

    I made a Yandere Natalie with the Knife and School Uniform. Then pressed “Die” and “Drag Out.” πŸ™
    I brought her back in alive and not blue-faced. :yay:

  3. Dragon X

    omg if this added in ebf5 along with the rest of the characters this would make me even more hyped than I already am!! :stars: :yay:

  4. kevin

    Why does Natalie always have to be thrown in. The legless woolly mammoth dragged her out then threw her in the pink slime bunny dragged her out then threw her in. Why cant the pink slime bunny bring her back in instead of throwing her back in. Plz plz plz make it so she gets brought back in when dead i know its a little detail that wont affect the game but please make it so she gets brought back in like the rest of the players 😑 😑 😑

  5. kyra

    I love the new magic :love:
    But sometimes i can’t fit the costumes with the staffs…
    Like the bunny staff… I can only fit it with that pink dress ,but at the end natallie is looking so pink 😑 😑 😑
    Maybe can you change the color of the staff to fit with more armors ?
    For ex.: if i wear it with pope’s dress the the staff should change and take the colors white, red and gold :stars: :love2: :yay:

  6. Natalia

    best dress up game evur. Will you please leave this when EBF5 is done? pls? you could even make this into an app that would be awesome :stars:
    but take your time , finish what you need to first <3 :yay: :bacon:

  7. Z2

    I’m partial to the outfit with clovers on it matched with the tombstone-like staff. She looks oddly cute with that little scarf. (Cat ears head accessory.)

  8. Els

    Ughhhh I love EBF4 too much I’ve spent way too much time playing it. As soon as this game comes out I’m gonna no-life on it for a week. :love:

  9. Squideer

    The elephant hat has me intrigued, Possible game collaboration with John? :smirk: ( Jmtb02 )

  10. Knight's Armament

    Wow, the no-cleavage option is perhaps the best option implemented out there. I can’t go back to the original designs after seeing how much cuter Natz is with the option on.

    Can’t say I like many of the new costumes though. I guess I’ll have to stick with the tried and true for aesthetics. I also liked the old ghosts better.

    Notes: floating knife, flappy hair, same 3DS animation, buddies that I assume will be premium assets. I can’t really say I can see the tween easing if there is any. Hair dye is weird and will take getting used to, I’m too stuck on the old designs to really explore new territory.

    I have to admit, at first I hated the new artstyle but now it’s grown on me.

  11. william sparrow

    hi the blue dress covers accessory 1 but still great quality animations like always stay awesome and stay determined to keep making awesome games because they always make me laugh and im completely heartless in real life so keep going and don’t give up

  12. Shraderc.inc

    two things.
    first: nice touch how you cant jiggle her boobs if the cleavage is off

    second: how many people will just use this as a character creator and put there finals online?

    anyway LOVE IT :love2: :hurray:

  13. Justin Zhou

    420/420 Epic. Can’t wait for the game! I could just actually sit here and play around with this. “Stay Determined!”

  14. jooe15

    Three accessories equip doesn’t look too great. It is simply too cluttered, especially when paired with some of the more complex costumes. While most of the accessories are fine together, you might want to limit the pets that fly next to a characters head to one.

  15. Zura

    Gotta say I love the new interface. In terms of the new animations, for some reason I just find Magic 4 & 5 hilarious. It looks so out of place that I love it. I’m interested in the “jump”animations. Could be an early indication of another mechanic in battle. I’m also surprised that the (star) symbol that Natz uses when she’s casting spells has been replaced by a Slime Bunny. :shades:

    In regards to the costumes/armor, it’ll take a while to test out all the different combinations, but I got to say that I like the nurse costume and the Kimono so far.

    Can’t wait for all the other goodies that will be shown. I don’t know if I should look into these anymore. I don’t want to have everything spoiled for me, >_<

  16. That one guy that names himself after a color.

    To be honest, the cleavage settings don’t really change much except for a select few pieces of armor. But the ones that do change change a LOT. That cow skirt, man. :ooo:
    Almost makes it feel like we’re getting to completely different things, and that’s good. It just adds to the customization choices, as do the hair colors. (I am loving the blue hair, by the way.) On the off chance that the Dark Players end up in the game, I hope they’ll have this kind of costumization as well.

  17. Spirare

    The lightning effect on the fourth staff seems to end rather suddenly – Like it has 1 frame missing from the end or something. :wut:

  18. Anonymous Lurker

    ❓ Did moving the cursor past her face always push her hair to the side, or is that a new feature? I’ve watched my siblings play EBF games for a while, but I never noticed this. I knew about the other clickable on Natalie, but this is news to me.

  19. KennyUBasterd00

    Looks pretty good just a couple of suggestions:

    1. Some of the accessories don’t stack duplicates (Though I’m guessing you may not be using multiples of these like the eyebrows or tails)
    2. I’m thinking there should be some jiggle in the Jump/Attack animations because, you know, physics (and maybe a little fan service :shades: )
    3. In the Drag out animation i think the slime should jump in looking to the right then turn left when it starts pushing.
    4. In the Drag in animation maybe a little bit of of body bounce when she hits the ground so she doesn’t seem like a limp rag.
    5. For the Slime bunny hat you can add a little jiggle to it like with the Drag Out Slime when it gets bounced from the Jump/Attack/Hit/Hit2/ Hit Defend animations.

    Every thing else looks awesome to me. I really like the lightning effect on the Lighting Stave. :yay:

  20. Nythil

    I think hair dye wont be good . And also cleavage shouldnt be an option. It only can be good for some armors like priest armor.

    1. Spirare

      I kind of agree with hair dye, but why should cleavage not be an option? It’s basically just a mature filter so younger gamers and anyone easily offended can play normally (he mentioned a mature filter like that a while ago).

      Don’t activate the mature filter if you don’t want it, leave it in for those who do…

  21. Spe3DxKill

    omg, i really love natz and whem i see hair dry :love: :love: good jop dude and thank you for making her like ebf 4 not like bullet have, and like a always say, best indi cretor ever :yay:

  22. Aysu

    :stars: :stars: :stars: These are amazing! I love the added sound effects, I love the armor, weapon, and accessories designs, and I am having way too much fun dressing Natz up here. I want to just give you my money now. The cleavage cover additions look good, and now i can’t decide which version I like more. To make Natalie a slut, or not… Choices. :ooo:

    There’s a glitch if you freeze her and then do another action the ice falls off after a weird pause after the second action goes through. I doubt it will be a problem during actual gameplay, but I thought you should know.

  23. metallica_dillon

    By the gods she has a voice now! Even if you only hear it when she dies… Still though she has a voice that I can put to her dialogue. :stars:

    1. metallica_dillon

      Also love that her hair moves when you put your mouse near it. Great little detail. :smirk:

  24. Medlin

    Body accessories should be closer to the middle. Now they are attached to the air on some armors.

  25. Kailyndis

    Wait, why is she getting a knife? I almost expected an undertale reference, until I counldn’t find an armor to match.
    It’s looking great though. I love the different sound effects for the weapon hits, and the animations for the weapons.

  26. O_Tiger

    Blue dress have cleavage with “Cleavage” on and off
    And watermelon t-shirt only slightly changes color too

      1. Justin Zhou

        “Watermelon shirt doesn’t have a bra when cleavage is off. Also, the cleavage for the Magical Girl is a bit weird. It seems like you did it with another program or a different style. Just being picky.

  27. Akyu

    Cool! But i think you have to change the “Equip” animation. And please add more hats. :smirk:

  28. Ze

    I love all the new animations you made for the weapons (the alchemy staff’s was my favourite), as well as all the different snow sculptures for the frozen state and facial expressions.
    I kinda wished that you added some other new animations, though, like the characters actually drinking drink items instead of eating them. Different cheering animations would also be nice.
    Anyways, keep up the good work, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the other characters, especially Lance and NoLegs :stars: .

  29. Spirare

    I should not have spent so much time searching for weapon/armor combos…

    I give up on searching for combos with hats too. I’m just going to go look at the other animations now.

    1. Spirare

      …The fan, knife, and electric axe float in mid-air when casting Magic 1.

      Also, if multiple hit/die animations are done in a row, the same face will be displayed: https://i.gyazo.com/47141157b7593c9581f81c534b1183db.gif

      This might be a problem if you have any enemies which hit multiple times in a row, but maybe it won’t be noticeable anyways due to the usual hit rate.

  30. FlaccidRainbows

    Dressed Nat up as a cute kitty maid…. then clicked “Die”, my soul hurts :'(
    The new animations look amazing and super cute
    Good job, I can’t wait for this game :love2: :yay:

  31. komodor

    Changable hair collor? WTF? that wouldnΒ΄t be our heroes anymore. and the cleavage option is there well…nobody will change it from the exposed version πŸ˜€ othervise itΒ΄s neat. :love2:

        1. Soshoyo

          Are you a pervert? Because you seem to only pay attention to nudity I’m a pervert but i prefer a lot of the more covered costumes than their more exposed counterparts why? Because style,imagination and fetishism you could see me get stimulated by a young female in winter school clothing and ignore completely nude bimbos i would love to feel the scarf on the santa-costume natalie.

          1. Soshoyo

            Being interested in nudity doesn’t make you a pervert it’s natural instinct to be attracted to sexuality.

        2. angel g.s

          from a pervert anime fan to another: I understand your pain
          besides it is not fair to justify someone for being perverted, after all we all have some pervert, from which they do not stop to see the girls who pass in front of them in very revealing clothes until those that we spied on our best friend fan of the closplay that does not decide between a kitten or a sexy dragon, although I prefer the dragon and there is no reason for it, who supports me?
          it’s only a comment not a criticism :yay:


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