Greenlight Update and Dragon Bones

EBF4 has fallen in the Greenlight rankings a bit. It’s down to number 48, from 41. Which means a bunch of other games are overtaking it. If Steam keeps approving big batches, then that’s not really going to be a problem, but it does slow things down a bit.

So go vote, blah blah blah, etc.

The number of votes between games is pretty small now.
3,000 more votes will get me into the top 20, and just 1,000 will probably get me into the top 30, meaning I’d have a pretty good chance at getting into the next batch, if they do 25 again. I’ve currently got 14,460 votes, but pretty much everyone who cares has already voted… so things are gonna take some more time.

Meanwhile, I’m playing around with Dragon Bones, and hardware-accelerated skeleton motion-tweening!
That means that I’ll be able to do complex character animations with much better performance.
So if I ever make another game with as much animations as EBF4, it’ll run a lot better on crappy computers, and could even be playable on mobile devices!
So that could open up some new possibilities. Maybe EBF5 could be a mobile game. Maybe not. I’ll worry about that later.

6 thoughts on “Greenlight Update and Dragon Bones

  1. FiredHigh

    I know this is probably a long way down the track; but what about an online MMO version of EBF?
    Players could customize the look of their character, help the main characters (Anna, Matt, Natalie and Lance) as well as a few other minor NPCs. Think about that. :yay:

  2. Luis García Nieto

    I would love to see another EBF, maybe you could make what the designer of Rebuild did, she released Rebuild 2 as a web flash game, got some ad revenue and sponsor money, and then using Adobe AIR she published in the Android and IOS store that even surpased the ads and sponsor money
    LOL sorry for bad English

  3. sharkexpert12

    if it would be an easy enough port than maybe a pc/moble game would be in order but i have no idea how hard that would be. Keep up the great work and maybe EBF5 will have a better green light experience. :shades:

  4. Tamoor Shahid

    Hope others will vote for you,man!

    I’ll rather have EBF5 as a pc game instead of a mobile game as some of your fans may not have mobiles to play EBF5. :meh:

    :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades:


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