Off to Sweden

Tomorrow morning I’m off to Sweden for 10 days.
Last time I went in the middle of winter, so it’ll be quite different now.
I’ll be doing a lot of hiking and cycling. Got a short trip to Norway planned too.

Most of the students will have gone home by now, but hopefully some of my Swedish buddies inΒ LuleΓ₯ will still be around.

I’ll have internet access, but not enough hardware to work on anything interesting.
I’ll be on trains a lot, so I’ll try to play through a lot of mobile games while I’m away, and get some ideas from that.

Anyway, see ya.
I’ll be back on the 17th.

6 thoughts on “Off to Sweden

  1. Guy

    The game Battleheart ( seems like a game that can hold attention while at the same time retaining a whole lot of RPG elements. Your characters seem diverse enough, and there’s always the option of recycling monsters if need be.

    Now that I look at it though, your adventure story art style is pretty similar to theirs. Not sure if you can get away with duplicating something like that on Adobe air.

    Excuse me:
    πŸ™‚ :3 😐 πŸ˜€ o_O

  2. Ragnaul

    Noes, don’t go for ten days… I just got back from my two-week no-internet-access trip to Italy and Croatia yesterday! D:

    But anyways, hope Sweden’s lots of fun. I’ve always wanted to go there myself one of these days…


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